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First Impressions of Your Home Count

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First Impressions of Your Home Count

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They really do. What your home looks like really does reflect on you, as odd as that sounds. You’ll either be known as the lady who has a nice modern interior, or you’ll be known as someone who isn’t really too bothered about how the home looks, as long as it is neat and tidy.

Now, which category would you rather fall in to?

We bet that for the most of you, you’d rather be known as the lady who obviously knows what they’re doing when it comes to interior design, and your home always looks like one to be envied.

Is this not you just yet? Well, it doesn’t matter anyway. We think we know exactly how you can make your home one that gives off the best first impression, so have a read on and transform your home.

What Do You Want The First Impression To Be?

So, this is the first question that you need to be asking yourself. Not everyone wants the first impression of their home to be one that’s modern. Some people like a more alternative look, a simplistic look, or a rustic look.

So, don’t just assume that to make a good first impression, one would have to have a completely new interior, it’s quite the contrast. Some people would prefer to walk into a home and see something that’s completely quirky and random.

Of course, for the majority of people, they would like to walk into a home and see something ultra-modern, because it does just look so good. But don’t conform to what others want, as sometimes being different is just the best way to be!

Find your style first, and then find out what it takes to ensure that that style is one that you can easily turn in to something great within your own home. You might like a style, but not have a clue as to how to put a room together using the idea of the style.

Quite Literally, The First Impression

Literally, think about what the first impression of your home is going to be. It’s going to be the outside of your home, and more often than not it does not do the inside any justice.

House painters are the first people you should think about contacting, oddly enough. They will literally paint the outside of your home to make it look brand spanking new.

You won’t truly realise the impact that this will have on the outside of your home until you actually give it a go, so give it a go! If this isn’t enough, have a read of articles specific to transforming the outside of your home.

Working On Modern Interior Design

If it is modern than you like, because it is for a lot of people, then you need to work on your modern interior design skills. The best platforms to do this from would be Pinterest and Instagram. They have some amazing modern interior design accounts that could give you all of the inspiration you need. They’ll also tell you where the items in the picture are from a lot of the time, so rooms are easy to replicate.

Image Source: Flickr

What first impressions do your friends have of your home?  I fear our house has not made a good impression for a long while because the paint has been peeling off the walls while we’ve been planning and saving for our renovations.  Very excited about how that’s all going to change in a few months.  We’re now about a month into our build and the new rooms are starting to take shape. Woohoo!

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