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Creating the Perfect Sanctuary in Your Own Bedroom

Where is your Sanctuary?

Where is Your Sanctuary?

Have you found your sanctuary in this crazy busy mixed up world?  

I find sanctuary in nature.  On the beach.  In a Church.

Anywhere I can have peace and quiet. And as Moms, we need peace and quiet, don’t we?

Even my four-year-old understands the need for peace and quiet sometimes.  Yesterday he spent two hours just pottering around the house doing his own thing, with no need for TV or music.  Just in his own space, happily playing and taking time out for himself.

A bedroom is the perfect spot in your home to create a sanctuary for yourself, away from all the madness. Some super ideas in the contributed post below to do just that.

Creating the Perfect Sanctuary in Your Own Bedroom

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As a mom, it can be so hard to find time just for you. There is no hiding from the fact that you want to be there for your little ones, and you want to ensure that you do what you can to be. But sometimes you need a space of your own.

A place where you can relax and unwind or at the very least get as much restful sleep as possible, here’s hoping.

So I thought I would share with you some of the ways that you can create the perfect sanctuary in your own bedroom.

Invest in furniture

One of the biggest changes you can make to your bedroom is investing in the furniture. The first option would be the bed, and you may not even be able to remember the last time you replaced it or your mattress. If you love the style of bed then why not treat yourself to a new mattress?

You may be wondering which is the best mattresses for slat beds? Or maybe what mattress would suit your style of sleep or position in which you lie in? These things can really affect how you feel in bed so ensure you enlist the help of a retail store and expert before making such drastic changes.

If you do buy a new bed you could always treat yourself to matching furniture.

Create some ambience

If you want to the bedroom to be a relaxing place then you need to create the right atmosphere and ambience for the room.

That might be candles or a nice scent, it might be that you add soft furnishings and new bedding to make the room feel like you have spent some time on it.

Sometimes making a few changes to your bedroom can make you want to feel more relaxed and at home there, helping you to get the rest you need as a mom. Even if it isn’t a full eight hours of sleep.

Give it a fresh coat of paint

It is amazing what a fresh coat of paint can do to your bedroom and it doesn’t cost too much to do.

Sometimes if your bedroom is painted in a bright and vibrant colour it can stimulate your mind and not relax it, so you may want to choose a softer paint choice or even a pastel shade of your favourite colour.

This can help induce relaxation and also aid you when it comes to sleep.

Make sure it is aired regularly

Finally, make sure that your room gets plenty of air. It is amazing how air can make a room feel clean and fresh.

Opening up the windows and reducing the stuffiness and lowering the temperature can also help you to relax and fall asleep more quickly.

You may also want to let in as much natural light as possible so remember to open up the curtains and blinds.

I hope this has given you some food for thought to help you create the perfect sanctuary in your own bedroom.

Where is your sanctuary?

Do you have a favourite spot where you can just relax and take time out to just be?

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