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Fall Into The Arms Of Morpheus Tonight

Sleeping baby

Sleeping Baby

A sleeping baby is the secret to a sleeping Mommy, right?  I have certainly found this to be true in our case.

As a co-sleeping Mama, I fall asleep with my son often and that way we both have a really good night’s rest.   Having said that, I’ve never had trouble sleeping (unless I’m super excited about something).

And I know this is something many people struggle with… so if you are finding yourself so sleepy you can barely keep your eyes open, this contributed post is for you.

Fall Into The Arms Of Morpheus Tonight

When was the last time you had a good night sleep? If you can’t remember, it’s likely that it was a long time ago.

A good night sleep is essential, not only for your good look in the morning – who seriously want to look and feel like death after getting up? – ; but it is also essential to maintain healthy body functions.

Indeed, when you sleep, your body can best refuel its energy and deal with regeneration and healing processes.

Imagine you’ve got a cut on your finger. Your body will be able to heal itself quicker if you sleep well at night.

Additionally, you’ve probably noticed that your cognitive abilities might appear a little cluttered when you’re tired. While lack of sleep doesn’t make you stupid per se, it reduces your ability to think clearly and to stay alert.

That’s why you make bad decisions when you lack sleep.

So it’s time to fix your problems and fall into the arms of Morpheus.

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What can a Greek God do for you?

If you haven’t heard of Morpheus before, he’s the Greek God of Dreams and often appears with a pair of wings.

The actual god of sleep is called Hypnos, and while you may not have read much about him, you can recognise the root of the word hypnosis, a relaxed state in which you are not aware of your mind and body.

Morpheus shapes the dreams of people, and as a result, falling in his arms means that you can both enjoy a sound sleep and dreams. According to the Greek mythology, Morpheus communicates through dreams.

In real life, a dream is the result of your memory processing. It helps you to consolidate learning and remembering tasks, as well as develop your cognitive abilities.

So, falling into the arms of Morpheus is more important than ever as it means you can help your body to rest and your mind to stay on top of its functions.

However, Morpheus doesn’t visit people as a divine figure that puts you to sleep. It’s up to you to create the best possible environment to rest at night.

For tired mommies, you need to know the tricks

Let’s address the first reason while a lot of adults struggle with sleep: Your baby can’t sleep through the night – and consequently keeps you awake too.

Becoming a mother means that you need to prepare yourself for several months of inadequate sleep. Indeed, as baby brains are developing, newborns are unable to sleep for an extended period of time.

In other words, you will need to wake up several times a night for nighttime feeding. But it takes about 6 weeks for babies to develop better sleeping patterns and let you enjoy a few hours of sleep.

When they reach 9 months around 70% to 80% of babies can sleep through. For those who can’t, there are little tips to help improve your baby’s sleep and yours.

But most people are too tired to sleep well

What do you mean I shouldn’t crave coffee now? But I always do!

Ultimately, even if you find a way to help your baby to have a good night sleep every night, it doesn’t mean that you’ll be able to sleep.

Indeed, functioning on minimal hours of sleep, if any, might have forced to you to compensate with energising habits, such as consuming a lot of coffees throughout the day and the evening and keeping alert at all times.

Consequently, you might be so used to deal with little to no sleep that your brain might not know how to react when you can finally sleep.

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So, don’t worry, if you experience a few difficult nights before you can finally sleep through like a baby. Additionally, depending on your level of tiredness, you may find it almost impossible to sleep. Even if you’ve skipped the last caffeinated drink of the day.

As funny as it might sound, you might be too tired to sleep.

What does it mean? There is a distinction between being tired and feeling tired. Lack of sleep has an impact on your body. But if you’ve needed to stay awake even through your tiredness until now, it’s likely that your mind will need to unwind before you can finally rest.

Create a routine

In order to help your mind relax, you need to create a sleep routine, in the same way, that you did for your child.

Your bedtime routine is designed to help rest your mind and train your brain to recognise it’s nearly sleep time. In other words, you need to pick your favourite relaxing activities to establish your healthy sleep hygiene.

A healthy room

A healthy routine is a start. But if you don’t create a healthy bedroom, you will find impossible to have a good night sleep.

Think about your interior decor

You’ve probably heard of the Feng Shui philosophy before, but have you ever considered its potential improvements for your bedroom?

Whether you believe in designing a room where the energy can flow freely or not, there are some Feng Shui tips that you can re purpose to design your bedroom makeover.

Image Credit: Feng Shui Bedroom

Help your body to build up healthy sleep patterns

Sleep is a physical activity, and consequently, you need to prepare your body for it.

As surprising as it might sound, exercising can help to improve your sleep pattern.

Scientists are unclear as to the reason why, but ultimately your afternoon workout can pay off in more than one way.

Sleep is, in the end, a delicate art to master. Don’t worry if it doesn’t happen overnight!

As long as you focus on developing healthy habits and keeping your cool, you’ll get to meet Morpheus soon.

When was the last time you woke up feeling totally rested and ready for the day?  

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