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Mommy & Entrepreneur Should Be Dual Roles, Not Duel Roles

Work Life Balance Life Care

Work-Life Balance Life Care

Finding work-life balance as a Mom is like a constant battlefield, isn’t it?  I’m always looking for ways to end the struggle. Which is why I signed up for the Work-at-Home Summit.  It starts today (until Saturday 3rd February), but you can still get a free Ticket here.  Amazing women will be sharing their best work-at-home tips.

Or… you can find some fabulous tips right here, in the contributed post below…

Mommy & Entrepreneur Should Be Dual Roles, Not Duel Roles

Juggling parenting duties with running a home-based business often feels like an ongoing battle, but it needn’t always be that way. Learn to take control with better organization in both aspects, and you will discover a way to enjoy the best of both worlds.

Here’s how to prevent dual roles becoming duel roles in just four simple steps.

1. Create Barriers

Arguably the worst thing you can do as is let parenthood and work life blur into one. When this happens, you’ll fail to enjoy either aspect of your life. At this stage, it’s virtually game over. Therefore, establishing clear barriers between the two is key.

This doesn’t mean that you can’t switch between the two on a fairly frequent basis. However, building a home office ensures that you have a workspace that will get you into work mode. Apart from making a mental statement to yourself, it makes things clearer for the kids.

Avoid the temptation to work in your pyjamas too, as this will harm productivity.

2. Let Technology Do The Hard Work

Modern technology has evolved at a rapid rate. In truth, this is one of the main factors that allows you to have a career from home in the first place. Allowing it to speed up processes and complete work on your behalf can make a world of difference.

Gaining the skills to get more use out of your computer will increase efficiency. In turn, this will boost your profits and reduce the need for spending so much time on your work. Learn Microsoft Access to run databases, and you’ll save hours on form creation and reports. The less time you spend on those potentially draining issues, the more time you can spend driving the venture forward.

Similarly, accounting software can take care of your finances.

3. Relinquish Some Control

When you start a small home-based business, it’s likely that you’ll take care of almost every aspect yourself. As the venture starts to grow and become more profitable, though, new challenges will surface. In truth, it’s far too much for one person to handle.

Working from home limits the opportunities, but you can still hire employees. Learn about freelancers and what they can do for the venture. When you allow them to take care of issues like marketing and customer care, you can focus your attention solely on your strengths. As an entrepreneur, spreading yourself too thin is neither practical nor financially suitable.

Above all else, embracing the skills of other people can produce better results for the entire business. What greater incentive could anyone ever need?

4. Make The Most Of Your Leisure Time

By now, it should be clear that this challenge is all about establishing a sense of balance. However, creating more time for yourself and the family counts for very little if you don’t learn to make the most of it.

Life is to be enjoyed, especially in those special moments. This guide to making the most of your free time should make a big difference. Crucially, you should aim to keep social media time down to a minimum. Giving your loved ones a sense of undivided attention is the most important aspect of all. Even if that simply means sitting down to watch a film together.

Above all else, it’ll make all the hard work seem worthwhile.

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Totally agree with these four awesome tips. I started with Step 3, Relinquishing Some Control. 

Last week I officially started training up my Mom to be my Virtual Assistant. Her first Project is to build my Instagram profiles and she’s already doing a fantastic job of increasing engagement on my posts.  I feel a weight lifting off my shoulders already. Social media takes up so much of my time and I’m not keen on automating. So it’s wonderful having my gorgeous Mom personally engaging with my followers.

Which of these tips are you employing to streamline your own home business?

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