About Us

happyhumanpacifier.com Who We Are

A note from the Founder

Hi Moms,

My name is Lauren, though I’m happy to say that mostly these days I’m known as Mommy. This is because I get to enjoy more time with my precious son than anyone else.

All my life I longed to become a Mom and yet it took me 40 years to make this dream come true…

Now I am finally living my dream and cherishing every moment.

Being able to work from home, when my son is at School, allows me the freedom to be available to him whenever he needs me.

Learning big words like Attachment Parenting

Before I became a parent, I had never heard the term Attachment Parenting.   I hadn’t heard of co-sleeping or bed-sharing, or baby-wearing.   Neither had I heard of baby-led breastfeeding or baby-led weaning.

And I certainly didn’t know how emotive these issues could be.

I never planned to be an Attachment parent… how could I when I didn’t even know what one was?

Happy Human Pacifier

I kind of fell into this kind of parenting pattern because I chose to breastfeed on-demand, exclusively for the first 6 months, and this one choice led organically to many others.

Parenting for me in the early days or weeks of my son’s life was mostly instinctual.

It felt natural to me to keep him as close as possible, as much as possible.

It felt natural to me to feed my son whenever he needed comfort or food.

It felt natural to be my baby’s pacifier – and enjoyable –  which is why I named this site happy human pacifier.

I realise this parenting style is not everyone’s cup of tea.  I know there are many wonderful ways to be a brilliant Mother.   And I also know there are many factors that influence how we parent and we all have to find the path that works best for us and our families.

So, Moms, I’m here for you.

I’d like to offer you the hand of friendship. Because I know those first few days, weeks and months of motherhood can feel overwhelming. Sometimes lonely. Sometimes scary. Sometimes downright boring (dare we admit that?).

There will be days when you need emotional support, or a word of encouragement, or just some understanding from someone who’s been there.


All the best,

Lauren Kinghorn

P.S. If you have any questions, please feel free to send me a message and I’ll reply as soon as I can.

P.P.S.  Check out our sister site,  Inspiring Mompreneurs