Quiet Time

Nothing can bring you Peace but Yourself – Ralph Waldo Emerson

At 40 I finally gave birth to my first child. I had so many plans to journal the experience. I was so sure I would write about my pregnancy. I didn’t. Not even when I resigned from my job a month before my due date.

I was even more certain I’d start writing once our son was born. Surely I wouldn’t want to miss out on detailing each exciting development, my hopes, my fears, my delights, my frustrations… well, our boy is 10 months old in 2 days and I’m only just starting to write about him – my whole world – now.

Until now, this magical new phase of my life’s journey, has gone unchronicled. I had absolutely no idea how all encompassing a task motherhood would be.

And yet, during this precious time I started doing something else that I’ve long wanted to include as part of my daily ritual: I began to include quiet time – time to pray or meditate or visualise or simply sit in silent reverie, being, bonding with my baby, my family, my surroundings, my Creator or myself.

As a new Mom this deeply special quiet time happens naturally each time my baby settles in for a long feed. Life slows to a murmur as a peace, enveloped in love, descends on us both. In these moments of magnificent stillness I feel at one with my child, with all mothers, with all humanity.

Time stands still… until my body starts to ache or tingle somewhere from whichever awkward posture I find myself in, or I have to make my great escape to “do” again.

Oftentimes, I’ve found myself wondering how I will manage the faster pace of life once these “allowed” “break times”, these “mini holidays” in my day, come to an end. Perhaps that explains why I’m still breast feeding young Benjamin. My life feels so balanced right now, with busy hours during Ben’s alert time interspersed with moments of calm and tranquillity.

How will we keep up this closeness we share once Ben weans? And will I feel as calm and balanced as I have done these past months? I suspect the trick will be to incorporate this new-found habit of taking time to be quiet into my daily life.

The question is… how? Just putting it out there…

So this is the next small improvement I believe could lead to staggering long-term results: carve out time in each day to be still, to take quiet time.

Originally Posted on 1st August 2014 by Lauren Kinghorn


About Lauren Kinghorn

Visionary Digital Entrepreneur ► Mompreneur | Content Creator | Affiliate Marketer | Influencer

2 Replies to “Quiet Time”

  1. Tiffany

    Well said. I never got to enjoy breastfeeding. It was a very stressful time for me in that first month of my son’s life as I struggled with producing and pumping. I remember the first time I got to look at my son and truly observe how beautifully and wonderfully he was made. It wasn’t the day he was born. Not even the second day. It was the fourth day after his first pediatrician appointment when he finally received food after my constant struggle to feed him. He was so peaceful. I wanted that peace for him everyday and quiet time for me. It is a necessity in a mother’s day to have a moment of peace and to enjoy that with your child is absolute perfection. Since writing the post, what ways have you incorporated quiet time into your day?

    • admin

      Hi Tiffany, thanks so much for your lovely message. I’m so sorry to hear the first month of your son’s life was so stressful, and that feeding him was such a struggle. I am so glad you also found a path to peace for you and your son.

      Actually, the quiet times in my day are still when I’m nursing Benjamin, as well as when I’m doing my Lesson from A Course in Miracles, which usually requires a few moments of prayer/meditation.


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