Selling Your Home In Preparation for Your New Arrival

Tips Selling Your Home Quickly

Has your home got too small for you and your growing family?   When that nesting kicks in, you’ll either want to turn your house upside down… or your entire life.  You may get the urge to move house.  And you won’t have so much time to do it, so you’ll need to speed up the process.   #TipsSellingYourHomeQuickly

Selling Your Home In Preparation for Your New Arrival

If you are expecting a new addition to your family, you may need to sell your home in order to benefit from more space. Of course, the baby is not going to wait around until the sale is completed, so you need to act quickly.

Here are some tips to help you through the process.

Costly mistakes when selling your home

Selling your home should come with a warning sign! So many people decrease their property’s value by making one costly mistake. Learn from their errors rather than making your own…

Mistake 1: Not hiring an estate agent

Nowadays a lot of people are questioning the worth of an estate agent. Do I really need one? Yes, you do! Their marketing expertise, contacts and industry know-how are invaluable.

Mistake 2: Showing people around a cluttered house

You need to de-clutter before you can put your home on the market. Get some cheap skip bins, fill them with things you don’t need, and you will be surprised by how much bigger and better your home appears.

Mistake 3: Skimping on photographs

Big, big mistake! Your photographs are your most important tool for drumming up interest. You should definitely hire a professional photographer. They know all of the tricks of the trade to show off your home in the best possible light.

Mistake 4: Getting emotionally attached

Selling your home isn’t personal. Never determine your asking price solely on how much you think your property is worth. Don’t take offence when you get negative criticism – learn from it.

Mistake 5: Lowering your asking price

Don’t make the error of panicking and lowering your asking price. By doing this you are encouraging scrutiny and buyers will lose confidence in your property because it is evident you don’t have any in it. Also, buyers don’t buy based on money, they do it based on emotion!

Selling and friendship… bad mix!

Has your home become too small for your growing family? Here are some tips on how to sell up (fast). #TipsSellingYourHomeQuickly #SellingYourHome

‘Oh, you want to sell your home? My cousin is an estate agent, I’ll give him your number.’ – Sounds reasonable enough! Takes the hassle out of searching and it would be good to have a friend on side, right? Wrong! Mixing friends with something as important as selling your property is never a good idea. How will you feel if your house goes on the market today and this time next year it is still on the there? You are not only putting a strain on your chances of selling your home, but you are also putting a strain on your friendship.

A neutral agent is definitely the best option to go for and there are various reasons why! Firstly, your friend may feel uncomfortable being honest with you. Are they really going to tell you that your head is in the clouds regarding your asking price? Will they feel comfortable breaking negative feedback from viewers? Or, what if your friend doesn’t do a very good job? Will you feel comfortable getting on their case and asking them to do more marketing wise? Will you be able to ask them why they haven’t sold your home yet? Don’t risk it – friendship and selling doesn’t mix!

How do you measure up?

All homeowners have one thing in common – nobody wants to get ripped off! You want to make sure you get a fair price on your home.

One way to do this is to see how you measure up to comparable properties. These similar homes should be the basis for your research and there are various different pieces of research you should be doing…

Comparable properties that are currently on the market

You need to check out your competition. How much are people with similar properties to yours asking for? What condition is their property in? You should assess the competition as if you were a buyer looking for a property like yours.

Comparable properties that have recently sold 

Take a look at properties that are comparable to yours and have recently been sold. How much did they sell for? This will give you a good idea as to whether your property is priced near the going rate.

Comparable properties recently on the market that didn’t sell 

Finally, take the opposite approach from the idea just mentioned, look at properties that have been on the market but didn’t sell. What is it about these properties that make them different from the ones that have sold? Were they too cheap? Too expensive? Lacking in quality? In a specific location?

Confidence is key

If you want your property to sell for the price you are asking for then you need to be confident. You may be a nervous wreck inside, desperate to sell your home before your baby comes, worried sick about the lack of interest – but viewers should never be able to sense this.

If buyers can sense that you are lacking in confidence in your property and it’s current position in the market, they won’t purchase your home. If you are not confident in the house you have up for sale, why should they be? It will set alarm bells off in their mind; clearly, something’s not quite right!

One of the biggest indicators that you have a lack of confidence in your property is if you drop the asking price. Many people are tempted to do this when their home has been on the market for a couple of months and they haven’t received any solid interest. It’s not a good path to go down.

By dropping your asking price you tell everyone that you’re not confidence in your house and the price it was on the market for.  You are basically saying it is not worth it. You invite scrutiny and criticism. Buyers assume there has to be a problem with your home. If not, why have you lowered the price?

How do you feel after reading this post?  Are you going to find a way to squeeze into the space you have or are you ready to make the big move?

Image Credit: Pixabay

About Lauren Kinghorn

Visionary Digital Entrepreneur ► Mompreneur | Content Creator | Affiliate Marketer | Influencer

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